Cumberland County Animal Services Department Conference Room

February 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM

1.Approval of Minutes
December 5, 2022 Board Minutes
December 5, 2022 Board Minutes Approved as written
2.Old Business
Shelter Reports- Elaine Smith
Director, Elaine Smith provided an update on shelter statistics for the months of December and January.  December 2022 dog/puppy live release rate was 79% and cat/kitten live release rate was 78%.  January 2023 dog/puppy live release rate was at 81% with cat/kitten live release rate at 93%.  
3.New Business
Address request from citizen to review County Ordinance on minimum care standards for animals

Cumberland County Assistant County Manager, Heather Skeens, discussed with the Board a citizen concern.  Though the Board is not directly making changes in ordinances, it is important the Board be informed on issues and discussions of ordinance changes.   A citizen has requested the ordinance be updated to make minimum care requirements for animals more stringent.  Director Elaine Smith researched the top 20 NC County ordinances regarding minimum housing standards for animals. While some counties have very minimal standards, just requiring nothing detrimental to the animal’s health.  Most counties, including Cumberland are more specific, requiring shelter with a roof and three sides that is weatherproof.  A few counties add on to require bedding in those shelters.  One county is very specific in outlining the animal cannot be shivering for more than a 30-minute period.  Elaine Smith explains that because of the variety of breeds and sizes, minimal care will vary depending on the animal.  The minimal housing care for a husky will be drastically different than a small chihuahua.  Detailed ordinance requirements remove the option for Animal Services Officers to use their experience, knowledge and best judgment on a case-by-case basis.  With this information, Director Elaine Smith does not recommend changes to the ordinance.  

4.Guest Comments
5.Board Member Comments
Meeting adjourned at 6:42pm